ノートPCの市場は巨大であり、Quanta, Compal Wistron といった巨大なODMメーカーの経営に今すぐ大きな影響を及ぼすとは考えられていないが、問題なのはスマホ・タブレットのビジネス形態がChaiwanモデルと言われるものにシフトしてきていることだ。
DigitimesのResearch Directorによると、これら中国IDH(Independent DesignHouse)メーカーは乱立しており、一部のメーカーは中国国内での販売のみならずインドや東南アジアに輸出も始めているとのことだ。
このSupply Chain Model(=Chaiwan Model: China+Taiwanの造語)がこの分野で確立すると、従来の台湾ODMメーカーの付け入る隙が無くなる。その危惧は徐々に高まっている。
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Digitimes "Explaining the Chaiwan model for the mobile device supply chain" より抜粋

Q: Where are they shipping their products?
 A: Mostly developing markets like India and Southeast Asia, where
"Local King" brands (regional and local brands) are using their
knowledge of local markets and ability to get good pricing from China on
relatively small orders to compete successfully with top-10 smartphone
brands. The interesting dynamic of this relationship is that many of
these exported smartphones are supplied by IDHs, which function in a
very similar way as ODMs do - providing design and manufacturing
services for the international customers - though on a much smaller

Q: Is the same thing happening in the tablet market?
 A: In terms of tablets, if you remove Apple and Samsung from the
equation, Greater China vendors account for pretty much the rest of all
tablet shipments. And it's not just for local consumption. China players
export about 70-80% of their tablets now, with more than 50% of exports
going to developed markets. Greater China pretty much dominates the
lower end of the market worldwide.