

た。また、M2ラインで生産されるOLEDパネルは55、65、77インチなどの大面積UHD OLED TV用に供給される予定だと伝えた。
一方DigitimesによるとLGの上級副社長Hyun Hwoi Haは近年の限定販売にも関わらず同社が未だOLED TVに期待を持っていると発言していると伝えている。
但し同氏の発言にも関わらず、生産上の問題からLGは2015年のOLED TVの販売目標を500万台下方修正し80万台としたと業界筋は伝えている。
OLED TVの売価は2016年までUltra HD TVの倍以上に留まると見られ、前年比20%増を期待されるUltra HD TV出荷量に影響を及ぼすと見られている。
-- Original article --
LG Display will begin OLED production operations on its M2 line as of December 2014, which is expected to have a monthly production capacity of 34,000 units, according to a report from South Korea-based news ET News.
The line will produce 55-, 65- and 77-inch OLED TV panels, giving LG four times the amount of access to OLED TV panel than before.
LG reportedly invested US$640 million in the M2 line, and also expects that yields for the technology will greatly increase while costs will go down.
Meanwhile, Digitimes recently reported that according to Hyun Hwoi Ha, executive VP at LG Electronics, Korea-based vendors still have hopes for OLED TVs despite limited sales in recent years. The VP said OLED panels in small- to medium-size applications have been continuing to replace LCDs and the technology is expected to become the mainstream TV display technology in upcoming years.
Despite Hyun's words, production concerns have reportedly caused LG Electronics to drop its sales target of five million OLED TVs in 2015 to 800,000, added industry sources. OLED TV pricing is expected to remain double that of Ultra HD TVs through 2016, which is expected to influence the 120% on-year expected growth in Ultra HD TV shipments in 2015, added Digitimes Research.
一方DigitimesによるとLGの上級副社長Hyun Hwoi Haは近年の限定販売にも関わらず同社が未だOLED TVに期待を持っていると発言していると伝えている。
但し同氏の発言にも関わらず、生産上の問題からLGは2015年のOLED TVの販売目標を500万台下方修正し80万台としたと業界筋は伝えている。
OLED TVの売価は2016年までUltra HD TVの倍以上に留まると見られ、前年比20%増を期待されるUltra HD TV出荷量に影響を及ぼすと見られている。
-- Original article --
LG Display will begin OLED production operations on its M2 line as of December 2014, which is expected to have a monthly production capacity of 34,000 units, according to a report from South Korea-based news ET News.
The line will produce 55-, 65- and 77-inch OLED TV panels, giving LG four times the amount of access to OLED TV panel than before.
LG reportedly invested US$640 million in the M2 line, and also expects that yields for the technology will greatly increase while costs will go down.
Meanwhile, Digitimes recently reported that according to Hyun Hwoi Ha, executive VP at LG Electronics, Korea-based vendors still have hopes for OLED TVs despite limited sales in recent years. The VP said OLED panels in small- to medium-size applications have been continuing to replace LCDs and the technology is expected to become the mainstream TV display technology in upcoming years.
Despite Hyun's words, production concerns have reportedly caused LG Electronics to drop its sales target of five million OLED TVs in 2015 to 800,000, added industry sources. OLED TV pricing is expected to remain double that of Ultra HD TVs through 2016, which is expected to influence the 120% on-year expected growth in Ultra HD TV shipments in 2015, added Digitimes Research.